Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Red Charming Tree

* Peeping into the dream. * Flowers of the heaven.
It was an evening in the first week of November 2006, there was a friend I met in the campus. We sat under that tree together for the first time. The tree was green. We liked that place and usually go back there together and discussed so many things, about our career, education, future, past experiences, culture and such a many little things. Enjoyable talks after all. That tree is one of my favorite trees, Delonix regia (or) Poinciana regia, usually covered with red flowers the whole summer. It turn into a red tree covering with brilliant red color during the whole summer. In his mind that tree is always green. We went to that tree often. He would never have an idea of the tree in brilliant red color. He never have a chance to see our favorite tree in that completely different appearance because he have never been there in summer. One day in May, I went to that tree alone and took the picture for a friend who have never had a chance to see the another face of our favorite tree. May be this is called cultural difference. In my opinion, the diversity of culture, concept, mindset and ideas comes from a diversity of experiences we have had. I just wish that the diversity we have will be charming like the tree with its adaptability to match nature.

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