If I were a flower, will I be crying when all the expectaion gone away?
I think that I am not as fragile or as short-lived as a flower.
Why those teary eyes shedding the juice of heart when I lost someone?
I think the flowers would have experienced that so many people just stop and had a glance and then leaved.
If they cry for everyone who glanced at them, will they be still beautiful?
A flower does not bloomed dedicating to someone like human beings that they can decorate the earth more than other things. May be that is why they can give a radiant of beauty, the glory of earth that comes from the gallant act. Blooming of a lower itself is adventurous effort being unkonw about thier future, whether they will be picked up by some one or will they wilted and die. They don't know who will pick them up or what kind of intention that bypassers will have. How they will disappered is a puzzel but they still glow their lives to give out glory on earth. They come on to earth without a fail. It is a small flower that have courage and glow with elegence.
I can't think why I am crying and cannot brave like a flower. I live longer than a flower and have plans in life. A flower does not come with a plan but with courage. So, I have tears when my plans does not meet with reality. If I were a flower, I will not cry and just give a beautiful smile to fill the earth with my beauty.
However, these flowers infront of me were very beautiful that I stopped crying and gazed at them. They are with similar range of colour. They have so many different shapes, colours and character but they are equally beautiful. If I were I flower, I will never compete with anyone or any flower because I am the daughter of earth and other flowers will be my sibilings.
1 comment:
I cried for you my dear best friend!
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